Shipping Policies
Shipping Policies
I ship via USPS Priority whenever possible. As soon as your payment has been processed, I will ship the item to your designated address. If you have a preferred shipping date, please contact me.
International orders
Please contact me for a shipping quote. Additional charges arising from taxes and duties from your country are paid by the buyer. International orders are shipped First Class via USPS. I strongly encourage customers to request and pay for tracking and insurance. CCSC does not consider a package lost until 6 weeks from delivery date. If you do not receive your package, it is the customer's responsibility to notify me within these six weeks.
People with hay fever and asthma
Lavender is a plant, and when harvested there are fine particles of dust and chafe included. If you have serious allergies, please buy with caution.
Please take care to protect your products from heat, humidity, insects and other pests.

I’m Katie, the owner/maker behind Leelanau Lavender. I live in a small town in northern Michigan with my husband, Kurtis and eight amazing kids. We love to be outside in beautiful Leelanau county, going on hikes, kayaking, boating, camping and bike rides.
A little bit about how Leelanau Lavender got started. It was originally started as Leelanau Lavender Breezes. It is has changed and developed over the years with a new name, new logo and updated products. We purchased the company in early 2023 and updated and added a few products.

Why Lavender?
Lavender is special to our family because we have seen actual improvements in our life from it. Kurtis and many of our kids have hereditary headaches and migraines. Since we started using lavender the headaches have almost completely disappeared! I am not a health expert and will not make any claims but that is our experience. For me lavender has significantly impacted my quality of sleep. With 8 kids I felt like I hadn’t slept in almost 20 years but lavender has me sleeping harder and feeling more refreshed.
That is why our mission is to educate everyone on the benefits of lavender for themselves and their family.
Our goal is to one day source all of our lavender florets and essential oil from our own lavender farm in Leelanau County and to welcome visitors to pick their own beautiful lavender bouquets.